MD of MACL retires after 39 years of service

Photo: Sun

Male’, Maldives – After 39 years of service, the Managing Director of Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL), Moosa Solih has announced his retirement.

In a memo sent to the employees of MACL, the company announced Solih’s retirement and thanked him for the years of service and wished him all the best for his future.

Solih last served as the Acting Managing Director of MACL, a post will now be taken over by Gordon Andrew Stuart, a UK national well experienced in aviation management. Mr. Stuart, is due to be taking over the post, effective Sunday.

Solih was appointed to the post as MD of MACL on November 15, 2018, after the former MD Adhil Moosa resigned. Moosa Solih is an uncle of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.