Former Supreme Court Justice Mujthaz passes away due to COVID-19

Former Judge of Supreme Court Mujthaz Fahumy | photo: Mihaaru

Male’, Maldives – Former Maldivian Supreme Court Judge Mujthaz Fahmy has passed away at age 61, while receiving treatment at the Dharumavantha Hospital after testing positive for COVID-19.

According to his family, Mujthaz was tested for COVID-19 while on a family trip to L. Atoll after he became sick with a fever. His test result came back positive on Sunday, January 3. He was in home quarantine at the time.

Mujthaz was initially treated at the L. Gan COVID Facility and transferred to Dharumavantha Hospital in Male’ City on Wednesday evening after his condition deteriorated. He passed away at 2:00 am last night while being treated at the hospital.

Mujthaz has served in the industry for 29 long years, also serving as a Supreme Court justice from September 2008 to August 2010 during the transitional period. Mujthaz is the brother of incumbent North Maafannu MP Imthiyaz Fahmy and the father of former Maavah MP Azhan Fahmy.

13,930 people have tested positive for Covid-19 till now in Maldives. While 13,217 people have recovered from the disease, 49 people including Former judge Mujthaz have passed away due to the virus. While Maldives attempts to arise from the losses of the pandemic, health officials urge to public to remain vigilant as to prevent the possibility of another outbreak.