Aviation Cluster: Additional person tests positive from Feydhoo

Aerial of Feydhoo, Addu City | Photo: Ahmed Niz

Addu City, Maldives – An additional Covid-19 case has been confirmed from the Aviation Cluster in Addu City.

With this additional case identified from the cluster formed among the participants of an Aviation Security Command (AVSECOM) training held at Addu City and the MTCC cluster, the total toll of Addu City has risen to 64. 

According to AEOC, 20 cases from Hithadhoo, 4 cases in MaradhooFeydhoo, 14 cases in Feydhoo and 26 cases in HulhuMeedhoo have been recorded so far. From these cases 1 is being treated at Addu Covid Facility. 

The latest information revealed by the Addu Emergency Operation Center (AEOC) on February 19, 2021 states that the number of direct contacts in connection to the Aviation Cluster has reached 345 and 214 buildings had been placed under quarantine as well. 

The Aviation cluster was identified on 6th February, after two participants of the training consulted the flu clinic after becoming symptomatic, and were subsequently tested, which resulted in the samples testing positive for Covid-19.