Strict measures imposed in Hulhumeedhoo

Aerial view of S.Hulhumeedhoo | Photo: Zayd Amjad

Addu City, Maldives — The protective measures against Covid-19 imposed in Hulhumeedhoo of Addu City has been further strengthened due to the rise in number of Covid-19 cases.

The Director General of Public Health, Maimoona Aboobakuru has announced that from 24th February onwards for a period of seven days, stricter measures will be imposed in Hulhumeedhoo. These include of:

  • Restriction of parties, events and ceremonies.
  • Curfew from 20:00 till 04:00.
  • Banning people from going from one house to another or one district to another. (Unless for necessary purposes such as medical treatment.)
  • Banning going out in groups of more than 3 and gathering at public spaces.
  • Closing all food cart (Dhivehi: gaadiya) services.
  • To take all precautionary measures in the shops in Addu City and to avoid exceeding the maximum persons capacity in the shops.
  • Closing salons, gyms, and hair salons along with restricting any sport activities.
  • To take all precautionary measures when providing public transport or taxi services.
  • Restricting physical classes in schools, colleges and universities.
  • Restricting hotel, Cafe and Restaurant services until further noticed. ( Deliver services and takeaway service excluded.)

While the measures imposed in Hulhumeedhoo were strengthened, the Addu Emergency Operation Center (AEOC) revealed last night that the monitoring restriction placed on the adjoined districts of Addu City will be released today.

The strict measures imposed in Hulhumeedhoo comes after two random samples taken from the district tested positive for Covid-19. While contact tracing is ongoing in the city, so far, six contacts of these two individuals have tested positive for the virus.