Covid-19 Dhifaau: 99% of Maldivian resort workers vaccinated with first dose

A resort industry worker receiving the first dose of Covishield vaccine, manufactured by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, in collaboration with Oxford University | Photo: Avas

Malé, Maldives – Tourism Ministry has revealed that ninety nine percent of employees in the resorts of the island nation have received the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

In the tweet posted by the ministry, they revealed that from those who had gotten their first dose, twenty five percent had also gotten their second dose till date.

The vaccination program began for tourism industry workers on February 4th of 2021 in an effort to create a safe environment for travellers and industry personnel.

Maldives is also preparing to launch the ‘3-V’ campaign this year. The three Vs stand for of Visit, Vaccinate and Vacation in which tourists are expected to vacation for three to four weeks in the Maldives and receive two complete doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Maldives received vaccine donations from India, China, and the World Health Organization’s Covax facility. The country has currently approved Covishield, Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine and Pfizer vaccine for emergency use. 

Maldives has also ordered additional vaccines from Singapore. The Tourism Minister said that the quota from international organizations and friendly nations will help vaccinate the resident population. 

This campaign is part of the efforts to make the Maldives a more safe destination for tourists. The inoculation program in the Maldives began on the 1 February 2021 with the launch of the nationwide Covid-19 “Dhifaau” vaccine campaign. 

Maldives aims to become one of the first countries to have a 100 percent vaccinated tourism sector and entire resident population. To this end, the country is also vaccinating the migrant population regardless of documentation status.