President Solih condemns attack on Nasheed

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Speaker of Parliament, Former President Mohamed Nasheed | Photo: Avas Online

Malé, Maldives – President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has condemned the explosive attack near Speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Nasheed’s car tonight which has left Speaker Nasheed injured.

The explosion which went off around 20:20 tonight left Speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Nasheed injured while he was getting in to his car near his house, G. Kenereege, Malé City

Following the explosion on Neeloafaru Magu in Malé outside his home, Speaker of Parliament President Mohamed Nasheed sustained injuries and is currently receiving treatment at ADK Hospital.

While Speaker Nasheed and his bodyguard has been taken to ADK hospital, the details of injuries are not clear.

Presidents remarks come while MDP has stated that this was a direct assasination attempt and called out all authorities to investigate the matter as soon as possible and bring the culprits under arrest.