President Solih shows solidarity with Palestine after Sheikh Jarrah attacks

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih giving the presidential address to the nation on the first parliamentary sitting of 2021 | Photo: Presidents Office

Malé, Maldives – The President of Maldives, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has condemned Israel’s actions and reaffirmed Maldives support for the Palestinian people after Sheikh Jarrah violence.

President Solih said that Israel continues to violate international law by forcefully evicting Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah, and escalating attacks on Muslims offering prayers in the Al Aqsa complex.

Earlier, the Foreign Of Maldives has also released a statement condemning the Israeli attacks.

A statement released by the Foreign Ministry state that Israel’s actions at the occupied territory of East Jerusalem, is a clear violation of international law and the relevant UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, and undermines all efforts to achieve stability in the region.

The foreign Ministry further said that lasting peace in the Middle East can only be realized through a two-state solution, with an independent and sovereign State of Palestine, based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side-by-side with Israel, in peace and security.

The Government of Maldives reaffirmed its solidarity with the Government of the State of Palestine, and reiterated its unwavering support for the legitimate and inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.