Counterterrorism: One person arrested from Addu City, released

Police arresting an alleged extremist ring leader from Addu City on May 15, 2021 | Photo: adduLIVE

Malé, Maldives – Speaking at the Maldives Parliament, Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla has said that one of the 9 suspects recently arrested in Addu City for counter terrorism has been released.

Minister Imran explained that the laws regarding anti-terrorism are still not airtight, and while one of the nine arrested has now been released, it is highly doubtful whether the courts will allow the remand for the rest.

The Home Minister said that there are many capable of building and detonating IEDs free in the country.

A total of nine individuals were arrested from the southernmost Addu City atoll for being a part of or for supporting violent extrimist ideologies.

During a counterterrorism operation conducted in Addu City where search and seizure activities were conducted in several residences, the Police has so far arrested a total of nine individuals for supporting extremism.

While the local news had earlier reported that only seven individuals were arrested during the operation, Police has confirmed that they had arrested nine individuals from Addu City.

In addition, five residences have been searched in Malé in ongoing operations.

While police has not revealed any information on the operation, locals confirm that those arrested today are alleged extremists who spread radical extremist ideologies in Addu City. According to sources, one of the arrestees is a leader of the group operating from the city.

After the May 6 terror attack, the police said that there would be a crack down on terrorists and terrorism supporters, including those posting such content on social media and supporting terrorism on media comment sections as well.