Covid-19: Maldivians test positive twice, re-infection rates unclear

A medical worker wearing full protective gear takes a swab sample from a man to be tested for the Covid-19 on a street in Male on June 5, 2020 | Photo: Ahmed Shurau

Malé, Maldives – Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH)’s Dr. Mohamed Ali stated that Maldivians are getting positive for Covid-19 even for a second time.

Speaking to local news “Adhadhu”, Dr. Mohamed Ali added that even if he could not say the exact numbers, there are people who get positive for a second time.

I cannot say it is increasing, but there are people who test positive for the second time in Maldives.

Dr. Mohamed Ali

Dr. Mohamed Ali noted that they did not know the exact reason why people are testing positive for the second time, but it is probable that this occurs because of a new variant of Covid-19.

The Physician at IGMH, National Center for Respiratory Medicine, advised to not forget to take the safety precautions following recovery after getting positive for the first time.

We have to take precautions even after we get better. Some people are careless as they think that they cannot get the virus a second time. Things like wearing a mask and washing your hand must not be stopped.

Dr. Mohamed Ali

While the country is currently going through one of the worst waves that has hit the country in terms of the pandemic, currently there are 252 patients receiving hospitalized care for the virus throughout the country. The Covid-19 related deaths are also increasing rapidly.

The total number of Covid-19 cases recorded in the Maldives has reached 60,844, with 901 new cases recorded yesterday. 36,862 Covid-19 patients have made full recoveries, as of 18:00 of May 28, 2021.

157 people have died due to Covid-19 virus until this morning with the death rate increasing exponentially this month.

The highest number of recorded deaths were on 25 May 2021, when 13 people died in the same day. 10 of the 13 people passed away in the Hulhumalé facility while one person died in Addu City Covid-19 facility, Lh. Hinnavaru Health Center and at IGMH, Malé.

With a majority of the hospitalized patients being in the capital, experts continuously reiterate the importance of taking preventive steps against Covid-19, such as maintaining adequate physical distancing, wearing masks and practising hand hygiene.