Brigadier (Rtd) Didi criticizes Rozeyna’s decision to call on an investigation without a Committee decision

Brigadier (Rtd) Ibrahim Mohamed Didi | Photo: Google

Male’, Maldives –  Former MP of Hithadhoo and Retired Brigadier General of MNDF, Ibrahim Mohamed Didi criticizes MP of Addu Meedhoo constituency and Chairperson of Independent Commission, Rozeyna Adam’s decision to call on an investigation without discussing is with the remaining committee members, concerning the issues raised by the Indian High Commission.

Indian High Commission raised concerns over the recent recurring articles and social media posts attacking the dignity of the High Commission to Rozeyna, after which the Parliament requested the Maldives Media Council (MMC) to look into the matter.

Rozeyna informed local media outlet “Mihaaru” last night that a letter has been sent to MMC to investigate the attacks against the Indian High Commission, however, the letter was sent without any discussions or decision with the remaining members of the Independent Commission.

Retired Brigadier General of MNDF, Ibrahim Mohamed Didi expressed concerns regarding the decision of Rozeyna and stated that it is a saddened matter for the parliament to make a decision on something that was not decided by the committee.

It shows signs of parliamentary dictatorship.

Retired Brigadier General of MNDF, Ibrahim Mohamed Didi.

Speaking to “Mihaaru”, Didi stated that the concerns of a diplomatic mission should be looked into by the Foreign Ministry of the country and that the Foreign Ministry should be the one to speak to relevant authorities regarding the matter.

Didi stated that for the Parliament to get involved in such a matter is like the Parliament getting involved in executive work.

However, Rozeyna earlier stated that sending official letters to independent associations without a committee decision were done several times previously as well, noting that the letter to MMC was sent under those guidelines.

A letter was sent to the Foreign Ministry of Maldives on Thursday stating that “such repeated attacks on the dignity of the High Commission, the Head of the Mission and members of the diplomatic staff can affect the efficient performance of the functions of the High Commission and can damage the time-tested and mutually beneficial bilateral relations between India and the Maldives.”

The High Commission states they are concerned by the recent recurring articles and social media posts attacking the dignity of the High Commission, the Head of the Mission, and members of the diplomatic staff by certain sections of the local media. They noted that the attacks are motivated, malicious and increasingly personal.

Additionally, the Commission expressed their opinion that these repeated attacks are undertaken to create enmity and hatred between the people and the Government of Maldives and the people and Government of India. They added that the articles and social media posts are attempts to incite hatred and violence against India, High Commission and members of its diplomatic staff.

The Indian High Commission in their letter to the Foreign Ministry, requested to ensure enhanced protection of the premises of the Mission, residence of High Commissioner and residences of other diplomats, and prevent any attack on his/their person, freedom and dignity, and prevent any disturbances to the peace of the Mission or impairment of its dignity in accordance with relevant articles of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961). 

They also requested to take action in accordance with International Law and Maldivian Law, against the perpetrators for the quoted violations of the Vienna Convention.