Kooddoo Fisheries Complex temporarily stops purchase of fish, sale of ice

Local fishermen out at sea | Photo: Rosie Magudia

Kooddoo, Maldives – Kooddoo Fisheries Complex has temporarily stopped that sale of ice and purchase of fish in the island due to the worsening Covid-19 situation amongst the employees and in Kooddoo.

Kooddoo Fisheries Complex stated that several of their employees working in fish weighing vessels have tested positive for Covid-19. They said that having to quarantine and isolate these employees have caused difficulties in the sale of ice and purchase fish.

They noted that vessels in the outer port of Kooddoo and collector vessels in Huvadhoo will continue to weigh and purchase fish.

So far, the island has recorded 90 cases of Covid-19, out of which 25 people have made full recoveries. This takes the total number of active cases in the island to 65. The island was previously placed under monitoring mechanisms following several employees from the factory testing positive for Covid-19.