MDP Internal elections postponed with a 100 votes

MDP internal meeting | Photo: Fayaz Moosa/Mihaaru

Malé, Maldives – The incumbent ruling party, Maldives Democratic Party (MDP)’s internal election to appoint a party chairperson was postponed on Tuesday with a vote by the MDP congress.

The vote to postpone the election as it coincides with Ramadan 2022 was proposed by the Minister of Economic Development Fayyaz Ismail. Fayyaz proposed to reschedule the election to 14 May 2022.

Fayyaz’s opponent MP for Maafannu North constituency Imthiyaz Fahmy proposed against the postponement.

The vote was passed with the votes of 100 members who votes; 15 refrained from voting.

Following last night’s vote, MDP member and MP for Mid-Henveyru Constituency Ali Azim has accused all 100 members of having some sort of influence by the government or someone who has unduly benefitted from the government.

The heated arguments from MDP’s congress also seeped into the Parliament debate.