Maldives Inland Revenue Authority has formulated a record keeping regulation to ensure that records are kept along with the quantity and price of all plastic bags sold and distributed free… Continued
Malé, Maldives - Waste Management Corporation (WAMCO) stated on Friday that the company is working to import biodegradable garbage bags amid public concerns about increasing plastic bag usage with the… Continued
Vaavu Atoll, Maldives - Vaavu Keyodhoo School celebrates being the first school in Maldives to complete the first phase of the AIR Challenge by collecting 12,000 KG of plastic. The… Continued
Malé, Maldives - National campaign against the use of single-use plastic products by the name "PlastikaaNulaa" translating to 'WithoutPlastic' under the attempts of the government to find a solution for… Continued