Donald John Trump -born on 14th June of 1946- is the current and 45th president of the United States. Trump has been married to his present wife Melania Trump since 2005, 12 years. They are the parents of their son Barron. Trump has four other adult children apart from Barron, as well as ten grandchildren.
Before he became the president, he was a businessman, television personality and an accomplished author. The first book of Trump, The Art of the Deal, is considered a business classic. It sold more than a million hardcover copies throughout the world. After his first successful book, he wrote many more books of which over fourteen were bestsellers.
First Election
On June 16 of 2015, Trump announced the world of his candidacy for the President of the United States. His campaign slogan was “Make America Great Again” as he believed that the United States has incredible potential to go on and exceed the remarkable achievements of their history.
To bring his message of economic empowerment to all Americans and to earn their trust, Trump had also campaigned in places other republicans have had difficulty winning. Some of the places include of Flint, Michigan, charter schools in inner-city Cleveland, and Hispanic churches in Florida.
However, it was discovered later that the statements Trump made during his campaign were false or misleading as they were documented by fact-checkers and was proven as such. For this, the media had widely described the phenomenon as unprecedented in American politics.
Nevertheless on July 2016, In his first ever run for any political office, Trump remarkable won the presidency defeating sixteen other contenders in the primaries and accepted the Republican nomination for President of the United States.
In the largest Electoral College landslide for a Republican in over 28 years, Trump was elected as the President of the United States of America on 8th November of 2016. He won more than 2,600 countries nationwide which is considered the most since the 40th President of the United States, President Ronald Reagan in 1984. He even made a record of receiving the most ever votes for a Republican candidate with 62,984,828 votes of Americans.

Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States
Millions of new Republicans had trusted their vote with Mr. Trump as he committed to deliver prosperity through a reformed tax code, for an improved regulatory environment and better trade deals. Trump’s supporters rallied behind him entrusting his commitment of rebuilding their country and disrupting the political status quo that had failed to deliver results for the citizens.
While he is committed to deliver beneficial results for America on each day he serves in the office as their President, the question is, has Trump served the country during his presidency in a way a righteous leader would have?
As a president, Trump had delivered an extraordinary list of accomplishments for the citizens and their country, some of which include of:
- Trump outnumbered the number of job openings to unemployed workers by the biggest gap up to date. The low-wage workers experienced the fastest pay increase as well as increase in the wages. Fifty-seven percent of Americans praised Trump saying they are financially better off since Trump took in-charge of the office.
- Mexico is now for the first time in recent history enforcing its own immigration laws due to Trump’s tariff threats.
- He stood with the people of Hong Kong by warning China to avoid using violence to suppress pro-democracy protests. The citizens of Hong Kong showed gratitude by marching with the American Flag and singing the national anthem of America.
- Trump continued to appoint conservative judges at a record pace. He appointed five fewer circuit court judges in only three years.
- trump took action to increase transparency in Federal agencies and protect Americans from administrative abuse.
- He secured the release of 19 people, including 16 Americans from foreign captivity without having to release terrorist leaders or sending planeloads of cash.
- He negotiated two tremendous deals with Japan to boost America’s agricultural and digital trade with the world’s third largest economy.
- Trump is following through on his promise to build a wall on the southern border of America.
- He signed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act in 2017 – the largest tax reform package in history.
- Trumps pro-growth policy is helping business of all sizes thrive like they have never before
- He worked with Democrats and Republicans to pass important legislation such as criminal justice reform, opioid and sex trafficking legislation, and a new “Right to Try” law giving dying Americans access to experimental medications.
However, during Trump’s presidency he has also done quite a lot of despicable things for numerous individuals around the world such as:
- A travel ban on citizens that are from several Muslim-majority countries
- Many of Trump’s comments and actions have been characterized as racially charged or racist.
- Trump has been criticized for additional instances of fomenting an atmosphere conducive to violence through many of his comments, such as when Trump told a crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that he would pay their legal fees if they punched a protester.
- When Trump said he would like to punch him in the face at a protester that was being ejected from a rally in Las Vegas.
- When Trump was interviewed on Fox & Friends where he blamed former president Obama both for the protests and for the leaks in his administration. Although, there has been no evidence linking these claims to Obama, Trump claimed that Obama was behind the protests “because his people certainly are behind it.”
- Trump launched airstrikes against Syria, without a vote in Congress.
- He asked the FBI to jail the reporters who publish leaks, threatened to revoke the broadcast licenses of media organizations that criticize him, and relentlessly attacked and demonized journalists as scum, slime, sick people, fake news and as the enemy of the people.
- On at least eight occasions, he has encouraged his supporters to attack his political opponents.
- He referred to African countries as “shitholes” and to Mexicans as “rapists”
- The Trump administration separated more than 5,400 children, including babies and toddlers from their migrant parents at the Mexico border. Hundreds of those kids were said to be locked up in cages. This was a clear violation of international law.
- Donald Trump tweeted that the 75-year-old Black Lives Matter protester knocked to the ground and injured in Buffalo, New York, during the George Floyd protests could be “an ANTIFA provocateur” and the incident, which was filmed and went viral was “a set up”.
- The tweet of Trump that was flagged for ‘glorifying violence’ by tweeter when trump tweeted saying “These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”
- Trump being accused of sexual assault and harassment by dozens of women.
- When police and National Guard troops used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters to create a path for Trump to walk from the White House to St. John’s Episcopal Church only for him to take a picture with the bible in front of the church and to leave after five minutes of arrival without entering the church.
- His response as “It’s a Bible.”, when a reporter asked if it was his Bible that he was holding at the St. John’s Episcopal Church.
- When he delivered a speech urging the the governors of U.S. states to quell violent protests by using the National Guard to “dominate the streets”, or he would otherwise “deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem”
- His admiration for dictators and beliefs that Article II of the Constitution allows him to do “whatever I want.”
Despite the ongoing protests for George Floyd and for black lives matter, Trump announced that his campaign for re-election could begin “next week” while dismissing calls for local authorities to “de-fund the police” and redistribute resources towards social services in the wake of Floyd’s killing.
Trump began his reelection campaign unusually early for an incumbent president amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
In a new CNN/SSRS poll, it showed that Trump is at 38%. The CNN poll also finds that 60% of Biden’s voters are most motivated by voting against the President. Apart from the polls, the surveys have also showed that Democrat Joe Biden is on a big lead compared to Trump. If Trump is rooting to win this election he has got a lot of work to do and not much time to do it.
Will Trump win the reelection held on November 2020? Is he worth of being the president of the United States?
While the questions remain unanswered, many of the American citizens have already made up their mind on why and who to vote. The whole world is eager to know the results for the reelection of the United States President on November 2020.