JUST IN: Hithadhoo, Addu City on lockdown

Addu City, Maldives – Hithadhoo, the capital district of Addu City has been placed on monitoring status until further notice by Health Protection Agency (HPA).

In a letter sent by HPA, signed by Director General of HPA, Maimoona Aboobakr to Addu City Mayor Abdullah Sodiq, HPA announced that the district will be on monitoring status, effectively barring anyone from coming in or going out of the island until further notice.

This is following a positive case that was found in Hithadhoo this morning, of a Bangladeshi national of 38 years. The individual was tested following the completion of 14 days in home quarantine. Contact tracing was initiated, and since then, the district has been placed on lockdown.

This is the second case of Covid-19 recorded in the City within 24 hours. The previous case was recorded on Saturday night, of a police officer who was home quarantined in Feydhoo.