Addu City, Maldives – Environmental Protection Agency (HPA) has announced that it will be conducting as survey to determine the number of White Terns, locally known as Dhondheedni in the country.
Some times known as Angel Terns, the birds which are snowy white with a little black beak are native to the southern part of Maldives, specially the Addu City.
EPA made an announcement on Friday, calling for volunteers to partake in the citizen science survey, which does not require any prior experience in the field.
އައްޑޫ ސިޓީއެއި ފެރަތުމަ ފަހަރައް ދޮންދީނާގެ އާބާދީ ބަލާއް ކެރާ، ސިޓިޒަން ސައިންސް ސާރވޭ އެއި ބައިވެރިވޭއް ޝައުގުވެރިކަން ތެބިހިށީ؟
މިސާވޭއި ބައިވެރިވޭބޭނުން ފަރާތްތަކުން އަވަހަށް މިހިށި ލިންކުން ރަޖިސްޓްރީ ކޮއްލާ— EPA Maldives (@EPAMaldives) September 4, 2020
Those who want to participate in the survey, which will take place from the 15th to 30th September are urged to fill an online form and submit it at the earliest.
The survey is carried out in association with the city council of Addu and Addu Nature Park.