Addu City, Maldives – Member of Hithadhoo central constituency Ahmed Rasheed (CheckMark Ahmed) has said that not enough work was being done by Ministry of Higher Education to bring a solution to the issues being faced by the students studying in the Asian Academy of Aeronautics (AAA) in Gan, Addu City.
MP Ahmed Rasheed said this in a tweet he posted in reply to MP Rozaina Adams tweet about the Higher Education Ministry working on the issue. The issue of over charging and extension of the course duration due to the lack of flying time availability was reported by Times of Addu and the local news outlet adduLIVE which brought the issue to limelight of the politicians and authorities after the topic heated up with the articles on social media platforms. Students had previously failed to get a justified answer from the AAA management over their concerns over a long period of time.
އައްޑޫ ސިޓީ ގަމުގައި ހުއްނަ ފުލައިން ސްކޫލު ގައި ކިޔަވަމުންދާ ދިވެހި ދަރިވަރުންނަށް ލިބެންޖެހޭ އުދުހުމުގެ ތަމްރީނު ނުދޭމައްސަލަ ހައްލުކުރުމަށް، މިހާތަނަށް ހަޔަރ އެޑިއުކޭޝަން މިނިސްޓްރީން ޒިންމާދާރު ފިޔަވަޅު ތަކެއް އަޅާފައިވާ ކަމަކަށް ނުފެނޭ!
— Ahmed Rasheed MDP (@AraairuRasheed) October 11, 2020
In the tweet by MP Rozaina she said that she had discussed the matter with the Higher Education minister Ibrahim Hassan and that he assured that he would find a solution to the difficulties being faced by the students.
In the conversation screenshots of MP Rozaina and Minister Ibrahim posted by MP Rozaina, the Higher Education minister said that the issues being faced by the students had been shared several times with the school and that the ministry had requested to find a solution to the matter. According to the minister, they had met with the flying school’s management on August 27th and that the ministry was informed that the flying school had given admission to more students than their capacity by a request of the previous government, but the students would not face any difficulties in finishing the course in the given time period.
Minister Ibrahim Hassan also stated that they had requested the flying school to submit related documents as there were conflicts to the issues which the students were raising and it was hard to determine the validity of the concerns being reported. He said that the flying school had not provided the documents requested until last week and they were reminded to submit these again but they had not sent in those until now.