Will make Huvadhoo a business hub: Amru

STO MD Hussain Amru | photo: Sun

GDh.Thinadhoo, Maldives – Managing Director of State Trading Organisation (STO) Hussain Amru Mohamed Rashaad has said that their aim is to make Huvadhoo atoll a business hub.

Speaking at a special function that took place in Thinadhoo today, with the commencement of the government-initiated cargo operations, MD of STO Amru said that with the commencement of the cargo, their aim is to make Huvadhoo Atoll a business hub. Today the first trip of MV Bonthi 2, the ship being used by Maldives State Shipping (MSS) for the cargo, to Thinadhoo was celebrated. Amru also noted that international shipping was done at Huvadhoo Atoll in the last as well.

Huvadhoo Atoll is an atoll that used to have a strong shipping business and many wealthy businessmen used to live in the atoll as well. However, this business has been stopped due to a tragic event. Our aim is to restart shipping business in Huvadhoo and make it just like the old days.

MD of STO Amru

Im addition to this, Amru said that MSS has gained the trust of many businessmen since they commenced their operations in March. He also noted that the ship of MSS are always on time and the businesses have the assurance that their goods will be delivered on time.

When we started MSS, our aim was to make sure that the boats leave on time whether the containers arrive or not. Previously, some cargos used to wait for a special container or maybe because they are receiving 40 additional containers in the next two days. This caused great difficulties to businessmen. However we ensure that the boats leave and dock on time. The way, businessmen have the reassurance that their goods will arrive on time. MSS ensures that this is possible.

MD of STO Amru

According to Amru, today is the day the 50,000 citizens of Huvadhoo Atoll are united with the 1.3 billion citizens of India. He also noted that with the commencement of the cargo, businessmen of Huvadhoo Atoll will be opened to many other opportunities and will be able to get access to goods more easily.

MSS began operations between Tuticorin and Addu earlier this month. Trips between the Tuticorn and Thinadhoo will take a total of 20 days and cadets will be provided the opportunity to take part in officer training programs depending on availability.