Tourism sector to be developed so that USD will go directly to citizens

Minister of Tourism, Dr. Abdulla Mausoom | Photo: Tourism Ministry

Addu City, Maldives – President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih wishes to broaden the tourism sector so that more Dollars will go to the pockets of citizens, according to the Minister of Tourism Abdullah Mausoom.

Speaking at a ceremony after arriving to Addu City earlier today, Minister Mausoom said that the president wishes to develop tourism at both ends of the Maldives, as the capital is heavily congested.

“Even if we make a new runway, or build a new terminal, the area is too heavily congested to be developed for tourism. Many tourists set on visiting in 2022, the golden year for tourism, cannot travel to the area due to this” stated the Minister.

He added that President Solih plans to develop tourism in multiple areas so that profit from tourism can benefit citizens more directly and that the number of tourism beds across Maldives is being increased so as to achieve this.

He noted that while Gan International Airport is currently filled with private jets , Addu residents will directly benefit from this once more tourists beds are established in the city, and when international flights begin trips to the international airport

He revealed that there are currently an estimated 51,000 tourist beds are active in the Maldives, and expressed his joy that the days of despair have passed and the Maldives now has 85 percent of pre covid tourism beds active, adding that during the first 3 days of January, an average of 3,456 tourists arrived daily to the Maldives