There will be people trying to suppress concerns over terror attack on Nasheed: MP Latheef

Chairperson of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and member of Henveiru west constituency, Hassan Latheef | Photo: Majlis

Malé, Maldives – MP of West Henveyru Constituency and Chairperson of MDP, Hassan Latheef has said that there will be people trying to divert their attention and suppress conversations regarding the terror attack against Former President and current Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Nasheed.

The statement was made at last night’s MDP Steering Committee meeting in which Chairperson Hassan Latheef said that MDP cannot stop their work to find justice for Speaker Nasheed and that they cannot be stopped by anyone.

Chairperson Latheef said that there will be people who want to divert the attention of MDP in various directions and that they have complete knowledge of it.

There’s no doubt that there will be people trying to divert our focus from the task at hand, in order to prevent justice for Speaker Nasheed.

MP of West Henveyru Constituency and Chairperson of MDP Hassan Latheef

The police is currently investigating into the attack on the Former President. Five individuals have been arrested so far in direct connection to the attack on May 6th, all of them indicating radicalisation. The 241 Parliamentary Committee is also investigating into the security breach concerning the Speaker following the terror attack.

Speaker Nasheed still remains in Germany after he was released from the German medical hospital on May 21, where he went for recovery and rehabilitation for the injuries he sustained in the attack.

The IED explosion went off around 20:20 on 6 May leaving Speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Nasheed critically injured while he was getting in to his car near his house, G. Kenereege, Malé City. In addition to him, 3 more people were also been reported to be injured from the explosion including the Speaker’s bodyguards and bystanders.

Nasheed was taken to ADK with heavy bleeding, and both internal and external shrapnel injuries. Ball bearings were found in Nasheed’s chest, near the heart. Injuries caused by these projectiles caused life threatening damage to the chest area. Nasheed endured major injury to the fourth rib, with a blade going through a lung. A projectile also went through his intestine with another near his liver.

Speaker Nasheed was treated at the Critical Care Unit of ADK hospital in Malé until he was airlifted to Germany on May 13, 2021 for recovery and rehabilitation. The Parliament had previously revealed that Speaker Nasheed’s medical expenses in Germany are being covered by Honorary Consul of Maldives in Germany, Christian Von Stetten.