Covid-19 spending rises to MVR 3.8 billion

Minister of Health, Ahmed Naseem (Kerafa Naseem), Minister of Finance, Ibrahim Ameer and Managing Director of STO, Hussain Amru seen at the agreement signing ceremony to bring 96 ambulances to Maldives | Photo: Health Ministry

Malé, Maldives – Ministry of Finance has revealed that as of 9 September 2021, the Maldives Government’s Covid-19-related spending has risen to MVR 3.8 billion.

According to the weekly updates on Covid-19 expenditure, by 9 September 2021, the government spent MVR 2.1 billion on health and social efforts related to the pandemic.

Ministry of Health had the highest expenses at MVR 805 million compared to other health and social spending, closely followed by National Disaster Management Authority with spending of MVR 785 million.

In terms of week-on-week spending, Ministry of Health registered the highest spending compared to its peers. The spending was mainly on Supplies and Requisites for Service Provision. The next significant spending was by the National drug Agency on Supplies and Requisites for Service Provision. Over the review period, other agencies only reported small incremental changes in their spending.

As of 9 September 2021, total disbursements made to ERP schemes stood at MVR 1,773.4 million.

The expenditure under economic response went into the disbursement of Covid-19 Recovery Loan Scheme. Total MVR 1,154.2 million was disbursed under the Covid-19 Recovery Loan Scheme. MVR 420.8 million was disbursed to provide income support allowance. An additional MVR 172 million and MVR 26 million was spent as discounts on electricity and water bills respectively.