Qasim proposes to cap number of parliamentarians

Leader of the Jumhoory Party (JP) and MP for Maamigili constituency, Qasim Ibrahim | Photo: Mohamed Auzam

Malé, Maldives – Leader of Jumhooree Party and MP for Maamigili constituency, Qasim Ibrahim has put forward an amendment to cap the number of parliamentarians at 87.

The amendment to the constitution reads that the constitution must recognize number of constituencies to be 87 and that one parliamentarian from each of those must be elected to the parliament.

MP Qasim stated that with each election of parliament members that the number of representatives has been increasing.

2009 parliamentary elections saw 77 MP’s elected, in 2014 we elected 85 members and in 2019 that number increased to 87. With each election, there is an increase and if it continues to increase the proportion of MP’s compared with the population would not be reasonable.

Leader of Jumhooree Party and MP for Maamigili constituency, Qasim Ibrahim

Qasim further added that if the number of parliamentarians increase at the current rate that there would be economical and other such impacts which is not sustainable for a small island nation such as Maldives.