MDP is using power to seek revenge: Dr. Jameel

Former VP Dr. Jameel

Former Vice President of the Maldives, Dr. Mohamed Jameel has claimed that MDP is seeking revenge, now that it has gained power and authority.

In a tweet he posted following the statement made by the Human Rights and Gender Committee of the Parliament regarding Ahmed Hailam, Chief Justice of the Criminal Court of the Maldives.

The statement said that the image depicting Victory Day hero, Martyred Hussain Adam dragging the current President, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Former President and Speaker of the Parliament, Mohamed Nasheed, which was posted by Hailam in an office viber group encourages the violation of human dignity as well as other inhumane acts. The statement further mentioned that this act of the Chief Justice also violates the UN conventions as well as the Anti Torture Act of the country.

In retaliation, Jameel tweeted saying that the committees of the parliament are not an intellectual property of MDP or the Speaker of the Parliament.

“The level of influence in Yaameen’s case can be observed by how the judge is further condemned and how much intervention is happening instead of investigating the matter. The Parliament and Committees are being used to seek revenge with the power now.” He said in the tweet.

While the Justice Hailam has been suspended over the controversial Victory Day greeting, he has now apologized for his actions and has claimed that he failed to check the content of the image properly.