Male’, Maldives – MP of North Maafannu constituency, Imthiyaaz Fahumy (Inthi) has taken a stand in defense of Male’ Mayor, Shifa Mohamed after she was accused of corruption.
Inthi heavily criticized the Anti Corruption Commission of Maldives (ACC) while speaking at the Majilis last Wednesday regarding the amendments to the brought to the Anti Corruptions Commission Act. Inthi spoke about the how matters were handled with regard to Shifa’s case and the accusations against her over the park developed in Lonuziyaarah Kolhu.
In Shifa’s defense, Inthi said that this park was being built to be finished on specific deadline and that ACC considered this as “a problem of a small toilet stand.” He further said that the free aid from foreign sources was also obtained from the City Council.
“The fund was not given to the government. Neither was it for the council. An individual foreign source funded this and contracted a party of their preference to built a toilet stand and ACC considered this as a case of major corruption and accused the Mayor”, said Inthi.
Inthi also said that no one could have even imagined of Shifa committing a crime of corruption and that ACC sent for her to be charged in order to ruin her name. “Accusations of this nature cannot be seen as enforcing law and order”, said Inthi. He further said that ACC has been unsuccessful in investigating major problems and they are always held up on minor problems and that he is concerned that investigation of cases such as corruption of MMPRC are being delayed.
“The commission’s actions is causing the public to lose trust in the commission. While they have been unsuccessful in investigating major cases of corruption that have caused great losses to the government, ACC is enthusiastically investigating minor issues”, said Inthi.
ACC sent to the Prosecutor General’s office for Shifa to be charged regarding the case of Lonuziyaarah Kolhu park on 29th September.
ACC said that Mayor Shifa must be charged with this case for giving permission to physically start the work of the park before the bid committee or the Council officially assigned the project to a party. In addition to this, she has not stopped the work of the park while having the power to do so.
With regards to the case, Shifa that she has not committed any act of corruption whether it be this case of the park or her responsibilities as the mayor or the tax money from the citizens.