Must use nature as infrastructure, rather than killing it: Speaker

Speaker Mohamed Nasheed addressing the participants during a luncheon with campaign teams at Dhonmanik Sky View Restaurant On January 30, 2023. | Photo: Simwa

Former President and Speaker of the Parliament, Mohamed Nasheed has urged the government to use nature as infrastructure, instead of killing it for infrastructure.

Speaking at the Coral Festival 2023 being held at Addu City, Speaker Nasheed expressed his concerns over the recent infrastructure projects started in Addu City, which poses a great threat to the Biosphere Reserve and ecology of the city.

As Coral Festival’s main aim is to promote awareness of the crucial significance of coral reefs and the importance of its preservation for the future generations, it was always expected to raise some level of concern over the infrastructure projects which has already seen destruction of coral reefs along with marine life.

However, the Speaker also noted the importance of development projects for a country moving forward.

In fact, [it is] very unfortunate we will lose this biodiversity, but try to understand what might come after this. And to see we can be at all ready, for what is coming.

Speaker of Parliament, former President Mohamed Nasheed

Coral Festival will continue for two more days, here in Addu City. A debate on coral reefs and their preservation was held today. Keynote speeches from ministers, excursion events in Addu Nature Park and Meedhoo dive center, workshops for the public are still to come in this festival tomorrow and the day after.