Male’. Maldives – Maldivian Minister of Tourism Dr. Abdhulla Mausoom virtually attended the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation’s (COMCEC) 36th Meeting yesterday.
The meeting, inaugurated by H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey and Charmain of COMCEC, was held under a theme called ‘promoting entrepreneurship for tourism industry competitiveness’.
Speaking at the meeting. Tourism Minister Mausoom highlighted issues faced by the Maldivian tourism sector caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and shared the government’s ongoing efforts overcome them and restart tourism in the country.

Minister Mausoom further noted that overcoming current obstacles requires the invention of new strategies and infrastructure. He added that there were plans to diversify traditional tourism and Halal tourism in the near future.
Concluding his speech, Minister Mausoom expressed his gratitude to Industry participants , who he said was the secret behind Maldives’ success in the tourism sector.
COMCEC is the main multilateral economic and commercial cooperation platform of the Islamic world and serves as a central Forum to address the common development problems of the Islamic Ummah and provide solutions to them.
As one of the four Standing Committees of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, COMCEC was established at the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Mecca/Taif, in 1981, and became operational at the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, in 1984. COMCEC has 57 Member Countries as well as 5 Observer Countries which are spread over four continents.