BREAKING: Murdered man found inside a well in ADh Dhangethi

The water well in ADh Dhangethi where the victim was found | Photo: Adhadhu

ADh. Atoll, Maldives – A 57 year old Maldivian man has been found dead, disposed of inside a well in ADh. Dhangethi.

Local news reports that the local businessman reported missing around 23:00 was found 30 minutes ago, 15:15. The victim’s body was disposed of inside a well in an abandoned house covered in a burlap sack.

UPDATE (16:14)

The victim was hung upside down in the water well inside a burlap sack.

The victim has been identified as Dhangethi businessman Mahmood Abu Bakr who owns multiple businesses on the island including cafes and local distribution business of gas, water and staples.

UPDATE (17:03)

Speaking to local news Adhadhu Dhangethi Council President Muawiyath Rasheed stated that the businessman always carried large amounts of cash with him and alleged that the murder could be related to robbery.

Islanders have apprehended two men and handed them over to the police. The Council President did not confirm their relation to the crime.

Details to come…