Journalists protest over police brutality

Male', Maldives — The journalists and reporters in the island nation has taken to the streets to protest over the obstructive actions and physical harm that is caused by the… Continued

ACP Dr. Phairoosh retires from Police

Male', Maldives - Assistant Commissioner of Police Dr. Abdulla Phairoosh has retired from Maldives Police Service after 20 years of service. His retirement was confirmed by Commissioner of Police Mohamed… Continued

Police make drug arrests in 4 different atolls

Male', Maldives- Maldives Police Service(MPS) have said that following anti-drug operations in 4 different atolls, they have arrested 8 individuals suspected of various drug charges. In a statement earlier today,… Continued

10 people arrested with over 70Kg drugs

Male’, Maldives – During a large drug operation in Male', Maldives Police Service have arrested 10 individuals with over 70 kilograms of drugs. Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed has said today… Continued

Senior police officers to be appointed again

Male’, Maldives – A new police service bill has been passed by the parliament after making amendments to several aspects including how to reappoint existing senior police officers. The new amendment… Continued

Terror attack plotters remanded

Male’, Maldives - Maldives Police Service (MPS) has announced that the six individuals who had been arrested on November 11 for planning a terrorist attack in Maldives had been remanded.… Continued